Coding Flux - A Collaborative Web Editor

Coding Flux - A Collaborative Web Editor

Team members: Nishant Sharma

Description of the project:

  • Features :

    1. Multiple people can type and edit code simultaneously in the editor while seeing the live preview. Great for long-distance pair programming and conducting interviews. 2. It includes user authentication elements, such as a secure logout mechanism and a smooth sign-up and login process. 3. Code written in the editor is automatically saved in the database. 4. Exceptionally crafted user interface with code highlighting, toggleable sidebars, and a dynamic view panel. 5. Users have the option to save the code on their local machines. 6. The system incorporates a robust notification system, form validation, and tooltips. User onboarding is simple. Create an account to navigate to the dashboard. In the dashboard, create a room to open your code editor, copy the roomId, and send it to other collaborators. Voilà! Now you are all connected, able to see their edits and work together.

  • My Experience

    I have acquired great knowledge and learned to stay persistent. I learned that the best way to learn is to go and do it yourself. In April 2023, I had an idea to build a real-time collaborative code editor and started working on it. I participated in my college hackathon, during which I learned React.js. I used React Hooks such as useState, useEffect, useRef, useContext, and useCallback to create a minimal frontend. Additionally, I learned for real-time data transfer. Later, I participated in the Appwrite month-long hackathon in June. Here, I developed the signup/login and logout mechanism using Appwrite BaaS, incorporating proper form validation with Formik and Yup. I utilized Appwrite's database for data storage. I replaced my Express-Socket server with Appwrite's real-time feature, though it wasn't a great success. Subsequently, I enhanced the frontend by splitting a page into different sections, creating individual components, organizing the project with dedicated folders, adding comments, and writing documentation. I redeveloped the backend using Express and Along the way, I learned to use other libraries like react-router-dom, CodeMirror, react-toastify, react-tooltip, react-icons, MUI, and nodemon. I realized how important it is to read documentation thoroughly when using a library or framework.

Tech Stack

The code sample is written entirely in JavaScript and utilizes the following frameworks and technologies:

  1. React.js (Frontend)
  1. Express.js (Backend)
  1. (Real-time high-speed data transfer between collaborators)
  1. Appwrite
  1. Vercel

Libraries Used

  1. react-router-dom

  2. CodeMirror

  3. react-toastify

  4. react-tooltip

  5. react-icons

  6. MUI

  7. nodemon

  8. formik

  9. yup

Future Scope

  • Integrating EsLint and other for error highlighting.

  • Making the editor page responsive on mobile and other devices.

Public Code Repo - GitHub Link

Demo Test Users